Hero photograph
Photo by Fendalton School

PTA - Parent Teacher Association

Fendalton School —


The PTA is a group of parents who organise and support activities that contribute to building relationships between the school, the parents and the wider community. The efforts of the PTA are really valued by our staff, the Board, children and other parents.

Another important part of their role is to raise funds to provide extra resources and opportunities for our school.

There are activities such as sausage sizzles, discos, mufti days and working bees alongside parent events.

Each year the  PTA arranges a liaison parent for each class.  These roles help new families to our school and network between parents.

You are welcome and encouraged to join our PTA. Become an active member of the parent community, a way to meet friends, and help plan and run the upcoming events.

The PTA meets regularly in the evenings.  This is generally the 1st Monday of the month.

Second-hand uniform

The PTA holds second-hand uniform sales in the Community Hall. These are usually held at the end of each term. Upcoming sales will be notified via the school newsletter / HERO.
If you wish to donate uniform, then please leave the clean uniform in a bag at the office. If you would like the PTA to sell uniform on your behalf please see the uniform section of the Newsletter for instructions.
(There is also a School Council, a group of students who help with events and plan their own activities.)

Please contact John McNaughton (PTA Chairperson) pta@fendalton.school.nz