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Photo by Fendalton School

PTA - Uniform Sale

Fendalton School —

The following is a message from our wonderful PTA in preparation for a return to school next week.

We hope you are all well. As we are now in term 2, Winter uniform applies for students.  So.......

The Uniform Shop will be having a Uniform Sale this Friday, 15 May from 9 am, in Take 5. 

Due to our current circumstances, things will be done a little differently. We also want to get this running quickly so that our children are prepared when school re-opens on Monday, 18 May.

  •  As such, kindly email the PTA at pta@fendalton.school.nz if you want to come.
  •  Also indicate your name, child’s/children's names and your contact number.
  •  The PTA will then send you a reply with your time slot. We will also send you a list of instructions on what to do and what we do.

I also have a few pointers that we need to communicate:

  •  One person only per family, no children allowed.
  •  The school is still operating at Level 3 on Thursday & Friday even though the community isn’t, so you can’t leave your children at the playground.
  •  No exchanges at this time.
  •  No FREE boxes.
  • We can’t serve people without a time slot.

Thank you for your patience.

Kindly get your response back to us by Thursday 14 May by 12 pm.

Rest assured that if the demand is high, we will open the Uniform Shop more frequently than usual.

Thank you

Monique & Joyce