Hero video
IMG 6133
Video by Helen Jolly

Poetry Finals - Middle team

Fendalton School —

This year the Middle Team has been focused on sharing good oral language with expression. This term all of the Year 3 and 4 students learned a poem and presented it to the class. They received feedback on set criteria and the top 20 presenters became our Finalists. We were fortunate to have Mr Bryan Aitken, (retired Assistant Director of Court Theatre,) to be our guest judge. How proud we were of all of our finalists who were so brave to present in front of all of Middle School and their parents. 

What a great job they all did!

Our top performers were:

Third Place winners - Annabelle C and Alexandra C

Second Place - Anya X

Our Grand Champion - Daniel M

Congratulations to our entire year group on their hard work and especially to our twenty finalists.