Fendalton School — May 12, 2021

Parent Consultation coming up - Wednesday 19 May 7 pm in the shared space between Yrs 4 & 5

Consultation with the community is an important part of school life and we value your input. Over recent years we have used the ‘World Cafe’ format. Sadly, this did not eventuate last year due to Covid.

It is an easy-to-use format for creating a living network of collaborative dialogue around topics that matter in education. We sit in groups have topics introduced for discussion and follow some design principles

Seven design principles:

  1. Set a context.

  2. Create a hospitable space. Wine/refreshments and cheese will be served.

  3. Explore topics or questions that matter.

  4. Encourage everyone’s contribution - record on paper.

  5. Connect diverse perspectives.

  6. Listen together for patterns and insights.

  7. Share collective discoveries or trends.

The topics for this event:

We would really value you joining us. RSVP to Helen Jolly helen.jolly@fendalton.school.nz

If you have questions you are welcome to contact me.

Ngā mihi nui Raewyn