Fendalton School — Sep 20, 2018

Over the course of terms 2 and 3 we have been exploring a range of technology during our Tech Wizard group on Friday mornings. The students have learned many new skills and it was fantastic to be able to share this at our parent talk night on Tuesday.

In the lead up to the talk night, in pairs, students were given a topic to cover and they then had to create a script and something to share with the parents based on the technology they were given. Some of the technology we explored was virtual reality, stop motion, dash robots and many more. The night was set up like ‘speed dating’ with parents having 10 minutes with each group before moving onto the next one. The students did a fantastic job of sharing their learning and should all be very proud!

The Tech Wizards need your help! We are looking for some things we could use during our sessions. If you have any old iPhones (that can still download apps), LEGO base plates and other pieces or any iPhone chargers could you please email Cain.