Hero photograph
Photo by Helen Jolly


Fendalton School —

Gates/Extension Classes News

Global Issues Problem Solving (FPS)

Our trophy has finally arrived for 2nd equal place in the Future Problem Solving Virtual National Finals in 2020. Well done to last year’s Year 6 team of Lachie H, Natsuki H, Rosie A and Ethan W. You can see this trophy in the cabinet in the Administration area.

Image by: Helen Jolly

Extension Writing Successes

Congratulations to Carolyn X (Year 6) who had her poem “Water” published in the Otago Daily Times Extra! magazine this month. Enjoy reading this poem below.


The peaceful water splashing

Flows around you.

Twisting and turning.

Turquoise blue.

The birds chirp happily,

As they fly across the sky.

by Carolyn X (Year 6)

Image by: Helen Jolly

Spanish lessons at Fendalton School 2021

Unfortunately, Spanish lessons that were being held at Fendalton School by Speak Spanish Language Institute will no longer continue in 2021. If you are interested in your child learning Spanish out of school time, you can contact Laura D’Amico on 02102421778 or visit the website at:

Speak Spanish website