Hero photograph
Photo by David Taylor

Fernside School closed Nov 14th strike action.

David Taylor —

At the latest meeting of the Fernside School Board of Trustees, we decided to close the school, in support of the staff, for the day of the strike scheduled for the 14th November.

NZEI (New Zealand Educational Institute) members have voted to strike for  a second time this year. There will be rolling strikes across the country starting November 12th. In Canterbury the strike day will be  on Wednesday 14th November. Schools across the region will be closed for instruction during this strike, so we ask that you keep your children home on this day. 

Teachers are striking for better pay, a more reasonable workload, and better conditions for your children (such as increased learning support funding and resourcing).

As we go to press the NZEI (teachers union)  and the  the Government. have  agreed to jointly apply to the Employment Relations Authority to enter into facilitation.

The facilitation process will not halt the strike action, unless the Ministry tables new offers that can be voted on and are accepted before November 12.

Although the BOT is disappointed that strike action is being undertaken again, and acknowledges the disruption to students and parents, we do stand in full support of our teachers. We believe it is in the interests of the whole community that the teaching profession is resourced to a level that allows all teachers to perform effectively for all children.

If you would like to read more about the reasons behind the strike click on the link below.
