Hero photograph
Our 5yr olds. Leaders of the future.
Photo by David Taylor

GROWING up at Fernside School.

David Taylor —

Over this last term I have enjoyed reconnecting with the school I have lead for close to two decades. For almost four years I have juggled school principalship with COL Leadership. In that time the school has grown.

One of the great pleasures of being a school Principal, is in noticing the  progress and positive changes  to the school over time. This is most often seen in the the students,  the curriculum and property.  But also occurs in the staff and the wider school community. 

This is often a slow and gradual process. One small incremental steps after another. Often so minute, that  it comes as surprise when confronted with a new reality. (A bit like the change in my hair colour over the same period of time.)

 We see it most obviously in our Year 8's,  who were our 5 year olds not that long ago. Now they are leading the school, greeting visitors, leading sports teams and fronting school presentations. They are setting the positive tone for the school. 

On coming back to my full-time  Principal role, I have had the pleasure to notice these many positive changes. For those of you who have been living the day-to-day reality, these changes may have gone unnoticed. For those new to the school, they may be things you always thought were there. But here are 10 big things  I have noticed. 

1) Student achievement levels  are even higher levels than in the past. Writing and mathematics are at historic highs. 

2) Students are increasingly involved in representative school teams and leadership activities. (Kapahaka, Jump Jam, Strike festival, Bike Club,  Skiing, Touch Rugby, Basketball, swimming, gymnastics etc) 

3) Students are positively engaging in playground activities. (Teachers Mr Bailey and Mr McMurdo are leading this.)

4) Staff and students are embracing GROW  it in the very fabric of school life.

5) Staff  and students collaborating across the school not just within syndicates.

6) The new classrooms and upgrades  have created positive learning environments.

7) New teachers have brought energy and enthusiasm into the school.

8) Parental support remains high, with support for Community Learning days at an all time highs. The PTA remains active and fully involved

9) BOT Governance is strategic and highly professional

10) The school has embraced Te Reo and Cultural Inclusion.

Kia kaha  (Stay strong)

We have a school that everyone can be proud of.