Hero photograph
Photo by Darryn Ward

Extra news for this week

Darryn Ward —

Kia ora e te whānau, this newsletter contains a few of extra notices for this week from the PTA. There is also extra Covid info and some key car parking info.Thank you for your ongoing support.

Lunch Online

Fernside School have new lunch providers and more days for ordering!! You can now purchase lunch online every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. Please see the attached flyer for details of the providers and their ordering cut off times. If you’ve never ordered a lunch online before, please see the attached account opening details. It’s quick to set up and very easy to order. Once you’re set up, the full menu for each provider is available to view. Lunches are delivered to the school office for distribution to each class. 

Easter Fundraiser

This year we are selling Hot Cross Buns, just in time for Easter. A pack of 6 for just $5.00. Three flavours available: Traditional, Cranberry and Chocolate - YUM!

These are being sold via the Kindo app/website. We will be using the Kindo app/website going forward as its a much safer and easier way for us to run fundraisers.

Please click on the link below to access. If you are new to Kindo, please find the attached instructions.


Money raised will be used by the PTA for part funding the new Year 8 hoodies, as well as the purchase of BRAND new sports uniforms for the school.

2021 TEA TOWELS - Fundraiser from end of last year

We still have some tea towels available if you missed out. There are 4 hubs available: Junior; Katotoe; Wheki and Senior. Below are the classes in each hub. If you purchase to remember what class they were in last year. If your child has moved from one hub to another this year, place your order for the class they are in this year, then send us an email fernsideschoolpta@gmail.com and let us know the correct hub.Junior: Kiwakiwa Rua, Kiokio Tahi & Kiokio RuaKatote: Katote Tahi, Rua and ToruWheki: Wheki Tahi, Rua and Ponga TahiSenior: Ponga Rua, Korau Tahi & Rua.Follow this link if you wish to purchase tea towels.

Any questions, please email fernsideschoolpta@gmail.com


Say goodbye to paper forms and having to find cash, and hello to online purchases and payments!

We are very excited to introduce our new online Kindo school shop where you can purchase event tickets, support fundraisers and order your sausage sizzle lunch easily.

It’s open 24/7 and available soon on our school website.

Click here to go to the registration / login page of our Kindo school shop and create your myKindofamily account.

myKindo app is also available to download for both android and iPhone.

Need assistance? Our Kindo helpdesk is open 8am to 4pm Monday to Friday.

Freephone: 0508 4 KINDO (0508 454 636) Email: hello@myKindo.co.nz

Online support: support.myKindo.co.nz


Covid -19 Update

Thank you for your ongoing support. We appreciate the fact that parents are contacting the school if their children are away and are keeping children home from school if they are unwell. P

The image below shows the updated Covid-19 self isolation rules. We have had some questions about how these rules work so hopefully this diagram will be found useful. 

Image by: Darryn Ward

Car park update

The council have informed me today that the fences and cones should be gone by the end of the week. This is certainly great news. 

While I appreciate that we still have limited capacity out the front I would like to respectfully ask that parents do not use or pull into the staff carpark in the mornings or after school. This area is for staff parking and also needs to be kept clear for the bus.

We do have children and parents who come across the road and walk their children to the back gate in front of the staff driveway. Having vehicles pulling in and out of the staff carpark is putting some of these pedestrians at risk. The health and safety of all of our staff, children and parents remains our main focus. 

Thank you for your support