Rebecca Twemlow — Apr 20, 2016

One week tomorrow an amazing adventure began for a bunch of fierce and courageous folk - highs and lows were experienced over the proceeding 54 hours and the ultimate winner of the entire process was...drum roll please....teamwork.

Teamwork wasn't a competitor as such, don't let me confuse you.  The "winner" was EduPay, a software service to facilitate those pesky payments that schools in particular frequently request - a simple yet highly valuable click and pay solution.  Great Job to that awesome team and all the other competitors too of course...Job Well Done, Manifest, Safetiwi, Freely and the six others! If you are keen to check out all the teams pitches head over to the Facebook Page.

Teamwork though - back to that.  Witnessing the coming together of Startup Weekend is a phenomenal view.  The team of co-ordinators that made the event possible, the Such Crowd team that made it one of the biggest Startup Weekends held in NZ ever, the team of truly inspirational Mentors (no self promotion here I swear), the crew that fed and watered everyone all weekend without a glitch, the judging team and finally the 11 Teams of Competitors!

All those teams, all that recognition of the cliche but true - the strength of many coming together resulting in amazing outcomes, outputs and experiences.

Next time you want to do something and do it well - I highly recommend thinking first and foremost about the team - how to build that team, what you bring to a team and recognise what you don't bring...particularly recognising that without having the full "shibang" you are up "Shi* H*ll".

Plug now for Startup Weekend 2017 - I say every year I should retire from doing the full circuit of events and I said it again this year doubt if you take up the challenge I will likely see you there!
