Natalie Visger — Apr 27, 2020

I know at least one person who had a poster of Rodman with 6 different hair colours hanging in their bedroom. Do you? Today is about footwork, boards, and finishing inside.

This workout has levels from beginner to advanced.  Make sure and warm-up and cooldown as recommended.  This workout involves some strength and conditioning and quite a bit of jumping.



MIkans (see Mikan Series Video)

Beginner/intermediate - 20 makes of each 

Advanced - 20 makes of each


Solo Rebounding

Beginner/intermediate (no tips) & advanced (do tips)

Make 10 each on both sides of the basket of the following:

Advanced make 5 each of right, left, middle

Footwork (performance focused)

Beginner - Advanced

4x4 Vertical Jump Work (see Simple at Home Vertical Jump Video)

Beginner 4 sets of 4-6 reps

Intermediate 4 sets of 8-10 reps

Advanced 4 sets of 10-12 reps

Cool Down (use Do THIS after Every Workout video)

Wow awesome job.  Dennis would be proud.  You must be puffed and ready to lay down!  Get some recovery food and more water. 💪👊🏾💯🏀