Natalie Visger — May 10, 2020

Footwork, Passing, Shooting

Today is all about reps and flow.  Find what works for you and play to your strengths.  You don’t need 3 coaches, a state-of-the art workout facility, a perfect hoop and just need a can-do attitude and be willing to work.

Warm-up (5 min.)

Force Quick Warm-up

Passing (10-15 min.)

2 Ball Wall Passing (see Hoops King passing video)

You need two balls and a wall for this drill, but not heaps of space.

20-25 reps of each, or name if you need more or less, change by 10 reps either way.  If you find 2 balls too hard, use one ball!

Side Shuffle Pass

Watch Ganon Baker Passing video (53 sec. On video)

Footwork & Finishing (10 min.)

Mikans (see Force Mikan Video)


Advanced - 20 makes of each

Shooting (25 - 30 min.)

Larry Bird Warm-up Drill (see Larry Bird Video)

Drew Hanlen Shooting Series (see NBA Player

Pickups (left hand has the ball, right foot back) (video 1:14)

Dribble Shot Series (focus on staying low (the hop down) & stuffing the ball)

Off the Catch (if no rebounder, spin pass to yourself)

Beat “Larry”

Set a time limit on your game. Increase the challenge by giving your star player 2 points for your miss, or decrease the time you give yourself to play.

Wow that was an intense workout. You did it and you should feel good about yourself.  Way to go Champ! 🏀🏆🏅

Make sure and put in your shots for the 2000 Club.