Penny Munro — Mar 29, 2023


March has been a busy time with informational presentations from Otago University, the University of Canterbury and Lincoln University. The start of April will include a presentation from ARA. These give students the opportunity to find out about the different courses offered, types of accommodation available, the application process and scholarship information.

The Defence Force Experience, Tekapo 28-29 March.

Ryan Billet and Koefi Brown were selected to attend this event which saw them stay at the Defence Force base camp at Tekapo. They got to observe and interact with Infantry, Logistics, Trades and Information Technology Specialists (Signallers) soldiers conducting their training in an operational-like environment.

Image by: Pathways

Koefi said that on day 1 they were picked up in mini-vans with students from other high schools and after an enroute Fairlie pie stop were sorted into barracks at the Defence Force Tekapo base camp. They were then transported to where the army was having training drills in the snow and got to see infantry and medical teams training along with the sound of grenades in the background. Then it was dinner time and they met with the army caterers and had a look through the kitchen. They ate in the mess hall along with 200 soldiers. After tea there was a Q and A session with soldiers who had just completed their 'Basic' training and then heard from Officers about their training.

Image by: Pathways

Ryan said day 2 they were up at 6am. They walked up Mt John at 7.30am and then it was out to another training exercise watching rifle and shooting drills and witnessing a grenade launcher. Then it was pack up time and on the road for home.Koefi said it was a really good experience and insightful as to the types of training soldiers undertook. Ryan said he really enjoyed watching the infantry train, the shooting drills and the food. He would recommend this experience to anyone who is interested in joining the Defence Force and that you meet a lot of like minded people.

Image by: Pathways

Year 13 Pathway Planning

Term 1 has included Year 13 Pathway Planning interviews to support students to identify their goals for this year and the year after. For some students this is obtaining University Entrance and for others it is about how to transition into employment or an apprenticeship. These interviews will continue into the start of Term 2.

Coming up in Term 2

The start of Term 2 provides opportunities for students in years 12 and13 to visit the University of Canterbury and Lincoln University on 4th May and the Otago Tertiary Day on 8th May. Year 11 will attend a Pathway Careers Expo in Timaru on 17th May.