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Numeracy and Literacy for Year 10 Students

Suzanne Pidduck —

You may have heard that there are changes in our official assessment system, NCEA. These changes begin in 2024. One requirement is that students pass new literacy and numeracy co-requisite standards before they can gain any NCEA qualifications. Last year, we were lucky enough to be a pilot school and trialled the literacy standards with our Year 10s. This year, we are going to repeat this and add the numeracy standards as well. Our current Year 10s will sit the Reading, Writing and Numeracy tests in term 4 of this year. As the year progresses, students will get more information and what they need to know and do. Both the Year 10 English and Maths courses are pre-NCEA courses designed to give students a head start on their full NCEA Level 1 studies next year. Ms Maria Heitkonig (literacy) and Mr Kevin Weaver (numeracy) will be supporting teachers to prepare our students to do their best.