Hero photograph
Photo by Mark Wood

Come play rugby for Green Island...

GI Rugby —

Looking for a change of scene? Want a new life experience? Come play rugby with Green Island in Dunedin (New Zealand)...

Looking for an awesome rugby club? 

Perhaps you live overseas and want to play rugby in New Zealand...or perhaps you are relocating to Dunedin for work, study or family...or it may just be that you are looking for a change of scene and a new life experience? 

Either way...if you are looking to continue your rugby career down South...then you have come to the right place. We are a club that value and look after our players. 

A Warm welcome...

Green Island is one of the most welcoming rugby clubs you will find on the planet. Green Island is a suburb of Dunedin, and our club is well entrenched in the local community.

We love our footy and the comradery with it. We have a rich club culture, and extensive experience welcoming players from all over the world to Green Island. These visitors provide overwhelmingly positive feedback on their time with the club... and most are sad to leave (some even decide to stay!).


Moving to a new city, you are faced with many options – and selecting a rugby club can be tricky if you do not know the clubs or what they offer you personally. 

If you are like us, you want to be part of a club that will provide you with opportunities that allow you to develop your playing skills and knowledge of the game. Just as importantly, you are likely to be looking for a club with personality plus - with an excellent social environment and positive club culture?

Well, the fact is that our club can deliver on all these facets...and more! Home club recent All Black's Ben Smith & Jackson Hemopo, Green Island Rugby Football Club (GIRFC) is a club on the rise. 

A Family Club...

The club also has a strong family focus and a thriving junior club, one of the largest in Otago. In fact, people describe our club as being one extended family. The players are humble, and share a tight bond. Our Senior-Junior inclusivity is second to none, with excellent Junior mentor-ship and, making us easily the best Junior Club going!

Vibrant Social Scene...

We have an excellent off field social environment, rivaled by no other club in Dunedin (or much elsewhere for that fact).  You only have to look through our Facebook page to see the fun we had this last season.

Quality rugby...

We welcome players of all abilities, to come join  our Premier, Colts, Senior, Women's  & Junior teams. The standard of rugby in Dunedin is excellent, and many players from overseas come here to develop their skill and knowledge of the game. 


  • Our off season Conditioning Program kicks off ~November,
  • Pre-Season Program runs from late January, 
  • The playing season runs from late March through to July/August. 

Our Vision...

We have an excellent Premier coaching unit and we are strategically focusing now on player development and recruitment. With the right balance, we truly believe that we can build a side to take the banner. 

Do you want to be part of something special? Join us on our march for the title! 


While we cannot guarantee employment we have many sponsors, members and friends of the club that often assist with finding new player's employment. 

There is even the opportunity to find apprenticeships for the right candidates. 


Housing and rentals are relatively inexpensive compared with other cities in New Zealand. We can often assist in finding short term accommodation for players when they first arrive, while they get themselves on their feet. 

Living in Dunedin...

Dunedin is a vibrant "university" city, so the city is usually buzzing with activity. The people are renowned for being friendly, especially in and around Green Island.  The landscape is set against green hillside, and we have some of the world's most beautiful beaches and are just a few hours from the lakes and mountains. Another huge bonus if that there are virtually never traffic jams down here!

Interested in joining our club? ...

If you are interested in coming to play at Green Island, please contact us here. We'll be happy to run through questions you may have. We look forward to you pulling on the strip and calling yourself a Grizzly!  

Please note that we typically require video footage of players based outside Dunedin/Otago that are looking to make our Premier side (so we can ascertain performance/competency). 

Image by: Mark Wood