Hero photograph

Senior Grade Rugby, 2025

GI Rugby —

Our Senior Grade team is affectionately known as "The Grizzlies"...which is quite fitting given they embody what is great about our community rugby club. Honest toilers, good buggers and lovers of the game we call rugby!


Get out on the paddock and have a blast playing footy with a great bunch of lads...  

Training Wednesday evenings 6.30pm


If you are interested in playing for our GI Senior Grizzlies side, please contact:

Coach: Tim Moore - 027 383 9494

Coach: Grahame Reid - 0278 752 784

Manager: Scott Flawn - 022 422 9984


Senior Grade: Age is no Barrier

Unlike the name suggests, this is not simply a grade for old men....although we concede we have a few veterans in the fold! Senior grade welcomes rugby footballers, young and old. 

Get off the Couch

Some of us just don't have the time to get to every practice (once a week) or every match...and that's why this is just the grade for us! 

If you are sitting on the couch thinking you might have a few more laps in you, then this is the team for you!

Quality Rugby

The grade is well contested by a number of teams from within Dunedin and some surrounding towns. There is often a bus trip or 2 involved. It's hard honest rugby, but nothing like that full on serious high grade footy at Premier level. 

It's fair to say that some players in the grade may not be top quality rugby material, but they have not given up hope that Shag Hansen may yet shoulder tap them. Other players may actually be Premier grade material...they just haven't realized it just yet..and then there's the one's that may have once been great footballers and now simply play the game for the fun of it.  

That's what makes this grade so interesting. You just don't know who you'll be playing alongside or against. 


Out of shape? That makes most of us! It helps to be fitter (like anything), but it is not a prerequisite (looking at the team photo's anyhow!).  

Club Culture:

Ours is a welcoming club that offers excellent club unity. We work hard on the field and play hard off it. You will not lack for support here, and there's no shortage of social events to keep you amused. Most importantly, it is a great place to make good friends.

Team Culture:

You won't find a better bunch of lads, or a more welcoming group than this. We play hard on the the pitch, and party hard off it. We embrace old fashioned values, and have a great time enjoying an ale and a yarn with our opposition after an 80 minute battle. 

Wives, partners and kids are made to feel most welcome and included in social activities. That in itself creates a tight bond. 

Trophy Games:

You'll likely get to be involved in some great Trophy challenges such as the Gavin Anderson Memorial and the Harvey Memorial - games that have been especially contested over the years.