Hero photograph
Photo by Mark Wood


GI Rugby —

Help support your local community rugby club so that we may strive to succeed and provide the best possible rugby experience for all...

The Green Island Rugby Club has been an integral part of the local community since 1884. 

We are seeking $100 donation/s from families, individuals or our local business community. 

In 2016 the Club erected a 100 CLUB SPONSOR board within the clubrooms, and we invite folks to contribute a $100 payment have a plaque with their name displayed on the board for the season. 

The plaques remain on the board for one season, and patrons have the option to contribute $100 annually if they wish to have their name remain on the board. 

The aim of the “$100 CLUB SPONSORS BOARD” is to help promote the growth and development of rugby within our club and local community. 

Running a club is a costly exercise, and the $100 SPONSOR Board allows those in our community to contribute that can. 

To display your Plaque on the board in 2024, then please make your donation via EFTPOS or Cash payment at the Bar on your next visit to the Club. 

Alternatively, for those out of town, you can transfer payment to our account by the following process:

1. Funds can be deposited to our BNZ Bank Account Number: 020 900 0056691 00 (Green Island Rugby Football Club Inc)
2. Please include the following references on your deposit: 1) your NAME 2) "100 BOARD" (so we can reconcile & track payment) 
3. Notify us by email that you have made payment and also advise the name you would like on the plaque (space is limited due to plaque size, so text can't be too long - see examples in photo's below)

Thank you for helping us grow the club, and provide the best possible local community and rugby environment for all. Your contribution is most valued!

 “No one has ever become poor by giving" - Anne Frank