Hero photograph
Photo by Mark Wood

Presidents Welcome 2024

GI Rugby —

By Darren Bezett (aka Diesel)

Welcome everyone to the 2024 season, that is members, life members, our Patron Ron Fahey, club Officers, Players Coaches and administrators and supporters, and a special mention to new players – welcome to the Grizzlie family.

This season has had a staged opening with some teams already having had a couple of games under their belt and silver wear already locked away for the season which has been a tremendous start. This includes the Brown Pot Golf trophy played over the summer in Omakau. And the Kingston Bear Williams Memorial trophy played between the Battlers and Toko way back on March 9th. Also, I must mention the Speights Challenge Shield – held by the prems after a fantastic first up win over Dunedin and as I’m writing this a week out, hopefully retained against AU- our first home defence. The Speights Shield dates from 1885 – its older than the Ranfurly Shield and is a welcome addition back into the clubrooms.

Im sorry I couldn’t be there for the opening night but duty calls and if I wasn’t on my honeymoon this weekend it would have been the shortest marriage of any GI president in history.

It has to be acknowledged the tremendous effort that has gone into getting this season off the ground. We recognised last season that as a club to survive we needed a dedicated recruitment team. This has been lead by Flanders our chair with assistance from Helmy, Horse, Bezzay Pete Dynes to name a few – and they have done a tremendous job. We have playing depth and numbers across all grades, more than we have had for years which bodes well for an exciting season. Flanders has been bouncing around like a kid with a new toy since January and so far, the games are showing the results of that enthusiasm.

This season we have teams entered in all grades – we see the addition of a Prem Colts side, plus 2 strong Championship colts sides. To the players, managers and coaches of those teams – welcome back to the Grizzlie fold. Its exciting to see the Australian Touring Under 13 side from 6 years ago starting to filter back into the club also.

To our Premier Coaches, Finchy & Lobby, managers AJ, AK and Harry and their recruiters - a special mention to Horse – great job with healthy numbers and a very strong looking squad. I am excited about this squad and apologise again for not being here today.

Women’s Premier Development team Doug keep plugging away mate but I understand there may be a joint team with another club this season.

To the Battlers – Prem Development– great first up win over Dunedin – hopefully today also – strong coaching and management and very good numbers again.

Seniors again a great bunch of lads – I watched your first home game and you gave Dunedin a fair old tickle up – It was great to watch flowing rugby again.

We will be fielding 7 senior teams this season – all with excellent coaches, managers and medics.– The time put in by theses leaders cannot be underestimated and I would like to personally thank each and every one of you for your efforts to get the teams off the ground and onto the park.

Our Junior club will once again field the largest roster of kids in the lower south Island – this continues to bode well for the future of GI. We have a hard-working Junior committee and the junior supporters and kids form a huge part of this club – who doesn’t get a kick out of seeing our colours worn proudly all over Dunedin, Otago if not NZ by these kids and our wider supporters.

The clubrooms are our social hub and the work gone in over the last few years is paying dividends with a huge increase in Functions outside of the playing season – I would like to acknowledge also the hard work of our Bar Managers Gareth, Kim and Heather. There should be a new tap system in place for this weekend and further bar upgrades will happen this season also.

The Grizzlie kitchen is back – thanks Paul for your efforts. The Thursday night feeds are back so please support these also. If you or any members need a space for a function then please contact anyone of those aforementioned club members to make arrangements.

I would also like to thank the committee – the work doesn’t stop at the end of a season – we have continued to meet over the summer, and you can all be proud of your efforts to get this season underway largely without a hitch so far.

Our club culture is strong, no one can argue that. But no one person is bigger than the rest so from my point of view I urge all players, coaches, managers, physios, supporters, life members, committee members and sponsors – get in behind the club this year – if we all go that extra mile then the whole club benefits both on and off the field – let’s all make this season a hell of a season to remember. .

We will celebrate our 140th on Kings Birthday weekend. Registrations are strong already for this event. I can remember the 100th –I was playing under 12s at the time, and then the 125th, it was a huge weekend also, so please get in behind this one, register online or see Dave James – and thanks Dave for your huge effort so far.-

To some formalities now – The 100 club board, you can see it in the entrance. Let’s fill it up - $100 This gets you a Honorary membership also – this season set at $25. As a supporter of this club you must be a member. It is a requirement for liquor licencing also. There will also be a sign in book for guests – again at the front door. Players must pay subs unless special provision has already been made. Teams can fundraise for this as well and already I know of some initiatives underway to assist with this. These funds are critical to the clubs daily running costs so don’t be a tight arse and simply pay your subs.

We honour two club members with Life Membership awards. These are never given out lightly and recognise the extra effort, blood, sweat and tears put in by nominees over a period of time. It was an honour to read out both nominations at the AGM and two very deserved recipients at that. Blair Bezett who needs no introduction but also the late Ray Byrne who will receive his posthumously by his family in attendance tonight. I can remember Raymond – and as a young player back to GI at Colts level he always had a smile on his face and took time to have a yarn with you. Both highly respected men of our club.

And finally, that brings me to a close – I look forward to seeing you all on the sidelines with my young lads watching most weekends.

I’ll leave you all with a quote that’s on the wall of Pete Merrilee’s Gym “You only get one life – if you do it right - it’s all you need!”

Darren Bezett President 2024 season – good luck all