Vaimoana Vaai — Feb 11, 2020

“The strength of the TEAM is each individual. The strength of each individual is the TEAM”. (Phil Jackson)

Talofa, Kia Ora & Welcome to 2020

My name is Vaimoana Va’ai and I am the Director of Sport for Glen Eden Intermediate

The value of sport is more than what happens on the field or court. It is also about building good relationships with our students and having a positive understanding with our families and community and engaging students with their education,

At Glen Eden, I believe we provide our students with high quality sporting opportunities both at participation level and competitive.

Participation in sport has greatly improved in the school this year through our lunchtime sports programme, who would’ve thought that dodgeball would be so serious, that teachers went out for trainings. Through sport our students experience and learn how to be part of a team, participate in physical activity, develop leadership skills and learn how to relate to others.

“The strength of the TEAM is each individual.

The strength of each individual is the TEAM”.

(Phil Jackson)

This is our GEIS Gladiators quote that all our teams have adopted.

It is important for children to understand that as individuals they all bring something unique to the team. Everyone has their strengths and weaknesses, but together in our GEIS teams we are stronger when we all work together.

Everyone must contribute to the team, this is where we find our strength. Through all the highs and lows, we journey together as the GEIS Gladiators.