Hero photograph
School carpark
Photo by admin GEIS

School Driveway and Carpark

admin GEIS —

A reminder that our top car park is for staff parking, emergency vehicles, deliveries and disability access only.

For safety reasons, please do not drop off or pick up your child in this area between the hours of 7.30am and 3.30pm, unless they have a disability.

Parent/Caregiver parking is available in the lower car park which can be accessed on the left of the front entrance driveway.

The Atkinson Road car park by our back entrance is also a heavily used area before and after school with large numbers of both pedestrians and vehicles coming and going.  Please do not park on the yellow lines or footpaths in this area to allow a safe flow of traffic and help ensure the safety of all.

Sunray Avenue - The issue here is cars being parked across our neighbours' driveways during pick up at the end of the school day. This is illegal and very inconvenient for the residents.

Traffic reduces considerably around the school after 3.15pm, so perhaps arranging a slightly later pick up time would rectify some of these issues

Your assistance in these matters would be greatly appreciated.