admin GEIS — Feb 13, 2019

GEIS is a busy school with large amounts of pedestrian and vehicle traffic both within our grounds and surrounding roads.

 With this is mind, we have some rules in place to ensure the safety of our students and staff:

Please do not drive into our school grounds to drop off or pick up students at peak times: 8am - 8.45am and 2.45pm - 3.15pm .

From 7.30am to 3.30pm our top car park is for staff, emergency vehicles and trade deliveries only. There is one designated car park space in this car park for visitors with disabilities.

All other visitors and parents are able to park in our lower car park which can be accessed on the left hand side of our driveway.

At assembly this week, we spoke to all students about road safety and using our patrolled crossing. Please do not encourage your child to cross busy roads to meet you at your car.  It is important that we all work together to keep our students safe, so we look forward to your support.