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Lunch orders
Photo by admin GEIS

Lunch Orders

admin GEIS —

The click and collect online school lunch ordering system is now up and running at the School Tuckshop!

You are able to browse the NEW Eat Smart menu anywhere at any time and order or schedule a nutritionally balanced and affordable lunch for your child. Your order is then sent to the school tuckshop where it will be made fresh on the day, ready for your hungry learner to pick up at lunch. Easy as that!

Click on the link below and follow the steps for the easy sign up process.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/lunchordersnz/videos/260450558398941/

Youtube: https://youtu.be/Vrl-loYQWjI

Download: https://www.dropbox.com/s/dffkvq7gamvdejj/Lunch%20Orders%20Animation.mp4?dl=0