Hero photograph
School Councillors
Photo by Maree Stavert

Principal's Message

Maree Stavert —

As the last day of term rises on the horizon, we can reflect with great satisfaction on a very successful start to the year. The vibe throughout the school is extremely positive and the majority of students are making the most of the opportunities on offer. Our new Year 7 cohort settled very quickly and staff have been impressed by their enthusiasm, politeness and confidence.

Here at GEIS, we work hard to provide an 'engaging environment full of opportunities and a choice'.   This is certainly evident in a walk around the school grounds during lunch break.  Activities range from swimming in the pool,  to hut construction and tribe negotiations in the Bird Walk, to reading in the library or mobilo construction in the games room.  Next term we also start our school-wide Ako programme and students are currently making option choices for second language learning and a multitude of other activities on offer.  Our pre-adolescent students thrive on having  variety and the opportunity to try something new.

Next week  the Year 8 students from Piha and Muriwai are finishing off the term in style at their respective EOTC camps.  No doubt by Friday they will all be ready for a rest over the holidays.   I do hope you all get to enjoy a quieter pace and some extra family time by making the most of those public holidays that fall within the school break.

Nga mihi nui

Maree Stavert