Principal's Message

Maree Stavert —

The Highs and Lows of Term 2 2022

While none of us expected that the effects of COVID would miraculously disappear this term, we had hoped that life at school would be much more 'normal'.  However, in all honesty, this term has been extremely tough particularly in regard to the impact of staff and student illness and self-isolation.  Despite the struggles, I have been very proud of the way our GEIS staff have pushed through and continued to maintain powerful learning opportunities for our students. 

I would very much like to acknowledge the on-going support from our school whānau.  We know that many of our local families have been facing their own challenges and we do appreciate your on-going positive engagement with our school.

On a much more positive note, we have certainly had plenty to celebrate this term with the return of class trips, inter-school sports competitions and our fantastic Matariki celebrations. The participation in Matariki shared lunches was quite outstanding, so a huge thank you those families who contributed.  Our sports teams have also relished being back on the playing fields and last week our Gladiators team once again won the Sports Camp competition in Matamata.  Thank you for the mahi of the amazing team of GEIS staff and whānau who make these opportunities a reality for our kids.

All our team are very much looking forward to having the time to rest, refresh and recuperate during the two week break ahead.  We hope that you also manage to squeeze in some extra quality family time.

Ngā mihi nui

Maree Stavert