Hero photograph
Photo by Vaimoana Vaai

GumBoot Friday

Vaimoana Vaai —

Our Sports Camp students supporting the cause and running their special fitness in gumboots

For our students running their special fitness programme on Friday 28th May in their gumboots was not easy.  It was a reminder as to why we support the kaupapa of the 'I Am Hope' organisation with GumBoot Friday

WHY GUMBOOTS?'For people struggling with depression, it can feel like walking through mud every day. So we're asking you on Gumboot Friday, to show your support. Put your gumboots on, give a gold coin, and take a walk in their shoes for just one day.’All donations collected will go towards free counselling for youth.

Check out our highlights video on https://www.facebook.com/geisnzsports/