Hero photograph
Future Wish
Photo by admin GEIS

Our Wish for Future Generations

admin GEIS —

By Nandini Banerjee (Room 27), based on a book by John Marsden

May kindness reach the hearts of those who need it. May each person be loved equally and be cherished for their worth. May we accept and grow from our weaknesses and embrace our strengths.

May the eye see green all around. May trees stand tall, protecting and sheltering us, and may we stand tall, protecting and sheltering the trees. May oceans be clear and blue, not a creature away from shore.

May all races join hands and walk together over the face of the earth. May we appreciate each other for who we are and not who we show we are just to “fit in “ or “be cool” . May we stand proud, not letting races, sexuality and gender get in the way.

May all be treated with respect and equality, making their own choices and engulfing a world of independence. May we have the rights to express our opinion. May we be inside who we show we are outside.

May people sleep soundly, devoid of any worries. May the doors be unlocked and the windows stay open. Many people build trust so deep, it can’t be broken. May relationships last long, firm and healthy.

May jealousy not exist and war never be heard of. May the cries of those in pain be heard, remembered and helped. May man’s greed never be a cause for another man’s poverty. May we be happy with whatever we have and make good use of it.

May animals have a share of our freedom. May they be treated with respect as well. May slaughterhouses reduce and compassion spread through everyone.

May the efforts of others never be wasted. May we give our all into everything we do. May we attempt for the best and learn from our mistakes.

May we appreciate every little thing around us. The pink of the horizons and the orange of the sunsets. May we take in everything, be aware of our surroundings and remember to say, “Thank you.”