Maree Stavert — Mar 18, 2021

After a stop/start beginning to the school year, things really felt back to normal this week with a number of activities underway and students able to participate in some special GEIS experiences. The highlight of the week was our annual Year 7 and Year 8 Mini-school swimming competitions. These were held in perfect conditions and everyone enjoyed the friendly rivalry and a bit of singing and dancing as well.  Participation is the main focus on these days and students are able to enter events that match their ability.  Congratulations to Karekare for winning the Year 8 competition and Piha for taking the honours in the Year 7 competition.

This week also saw a group of Year 8 students taking on the challenge of completing the Tongariro crossing.  Unfortunately, wind conditions on Tuesday forced the group to turn back on their climb, but their second attempt yesterday was successful.  A huge thank you to teacher Fleur Hunter who organises these trips every year. Thanks also to the awesome parent supporters who help out on these adventures.  This year a second group of GEIS students will be taking part in a Tongariro tramp in Week 8 of this term.  

Unfortunately, the couple of lockdowns did interrupt a number of scheduled sports field days.  However, the Year 8 boys zone softball tournament went ahead yesterday and we are pleased to report that our 'A' team came out overall winners of the competition. Congratulations to all our players and coaches!

Have a great weekend!

Ngā mihi

Maree Stavert