Hero photograph
Photo by Maree Stavert

Principal's Message

Maree Stavert —

How can we work together to support our young people to avoid and cope with the effects of negative social media?

There is no easy answer to the question I have posed above. Social media and digital technology is all around us and very much embedded in our lives.  Our pre-adolescent students have never known a world without devices and they are now faced with navigating the challenges of interacting with their peers through a multitude of social media platforms.

At GEIS, students use digital technology as a learning tool, but we ensure that the use of devices is restricted to the classroom and that all mobile phones are locked in the class safe for the day. Devices are also locked away during break-times. Our network filtering systems protect students from accessing inappropriate websites and any inappropriate google searches are 'red-flagged' and notification is sent to our Digital Learning Leader.

However we, of course, do not have any control over what students are doing on-line outside of school hours. This term we have already had to deal with a number of out of school social media issues that are impacting on our students. The common theme is Instagram posts and chat and often this activity in occurring late at night.

We usually find that the students involved in these issues are very aware of what is okay and not okay, but get caught up in the exchanges. As a school we are constantly promoting 'digital citizenship' within class learning programmes and also reinforce these messages through our daily TV show, Cactus.

Schools and whanau need to work together to help our young people successfully navigate the pros and cons of social media. There is also some great advice for parents available on the following links that you might like to check out over the long weekend:



I hope you all have a relaxing Queen's Birthday weekend and get to enjoy an extra sleep-in.

Ngā mihi nui

Maree Stavert