Hero photograph
Photo by Jacob Prisk

Google Read&Write

Jacob Prisk —

All students at GEIS have full access to Google Read&Write to support their online learning. This works as an extension through Google Chrome and provides tools to meet the needs of different learners, right across the curriculum.

Special thank you to Miller Bliss, Noah Le Soavec, and Hazel VanSolkema, who assisted our Learning Support Co-ordinators, during an information evening presentation of Google Read and Write learning tool. These students presented different features of this learning tool to interested parents/caregivers of GEIS students. GEIS appreciates these students for sharing their expertise and their parents for giving up their time that evening to support them. 

Thank you to all three for your contribution to the school community. It is much appreciated. 

 PHOTO (left to right) – Miller Bliss, Noah Le Soavec, Sara Badawi (Learning Support Co-ordinator), Hazel VanSolkema