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Photo by admin GEIS

50 word challenge

admin GEIS —

The writing group were given a challenge- to write a piece of only 50 words, meaning each word needed to count!

Mrs Hooper-Corbett was the judge and the 3 winners have their stories here:

First Place:  Gayathri Dinesh

Epitome of perfection, sliding between two figures. Rippling velvet dress becomes a startling black mane. Galloping through a dark wood, running from the light. You reach the end and pale, knowing you can't hide anymore, but you must. For what good's midnight if someone sees it?

Second Place:  Portia Blakeman
A Great Book

A great book, what does it do? Does it make you slam your head on the table? NO! A great book I dare say makes you forget the chores you never wanted to do! Creates a small sense of joy. So why would you ever stop reading? No idea.......

Third Place:  Oriana Jansen
The Rose Bush

She turns to the Autumn wind, head bobbing, scarlet frock rippling. Her neighbours catch onto her, they begin a silent waltz. Entwined, swaying in the evening breeze, opening her petals to the sky, she is bathed in golden light. Slowly the waltzing figures drift away into the evening haze.

Highly commended were Stella Barry, Molly Chester and Logan Taylor.