Gleniti Newsletter 20th October 2021
Steve Zonnevylle - October 20, 2021
Welcome to our new students this term. Our cover stars this week are all new to our school.
Welcome also to our new Caretaker! Dayle Henderson has joined the Gleniti Whanau and we’re all delighted to have him on our staff.
During the holidays our wonderful PTA team made a huge start on our new Wheels Track. One word sums it up so far– WOW! It is going to be so amazing when it is completed! We are such a lucky school to have an asset like this. The PTA should be congratulated for all their great efforts so far.
Our weekly school assembly will continue to be on Facebook Live from 11:05am each Friday during Level 2. Feel free to take a looksie.
Congratulations to Cameron and Fabian who were our Archer in Action recipients from the end of last term!
Ngā mihi
Steve Zonnevylle, Principal