Gleniti Newsletter 27th October 2021 by Steve Zonnevylle
Steve Zonnevylle — October 27, 2021
Kia ora e te whanau, Our Athletic Day will be held next Tuesday, 2nd November, with the postponement day being on Thursday 4th November at the Aorangi Athletics Track/Stadium. Sadly, due to Covid Level 2 restrictions, we aren’t able to have spectators attend. This will certainly have a major effect on the overall vibe of the day, but I’m sure that you will all understand the circumstances that we are currently dealing with. It’s just great that we can go ahead with the event at all – that’s a great thing.
Parking on Heath Street is again becoming a major concern. Cars shouldn’t be stopping in the middle of the road and calling their children over to them during pick-ups. There is plenty of room on Spring Road to drop off and pick your children and we recommend that you make this first choice of access to the school.
It’s been a very long time coming, but finally the upgrade of Rooms 3-4 will be starting. Room 4 will be relocating to the meeting room beside the hall as of Monday, 1st November when our builders arrive. Awesome news!
Just a reminder that our weekly school assembly will continue to be on Facebook Live from 11:05am each Friday during Level 2. Feel free to take a looksie.
Well done to Lincoln Phillips and Joe Black who, with their team from Westend, won the South Canterbury Football 12th Grade competition this year – winning eleven games and drawing one!
Congratulations also to all those children who participated in the South Canterbury Primary Tennis Competition yesterday. Top work team!
Finally, congratulations to all those who won certificates at our assembly last week.
Ngā mihi
Steve Zonnevylle, Principal