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Photo by Starting School

Starting School - New Entrants

Governors Bay School —

It is an exciting time, starting school. It can also be exhausting and sometimes an anxious time... for whānau!

Moving from preschool to 'big kid' school is a major life event. We welcome our new entrants with the manaaki we are known for. Our four classes live and play in the Bay - this is a school where everyone knows everyone else. This creates a real whānau feel and we celebrate this in our values. 

Enrolling your child at school

Enrolling early helps the school | kura with their planning. As soon as you've decided on a school | kura, get in touch with them to enrol your child, arrange a time for your child to start and arrange some visits to get your child used to school | kura.

We have an enrolment scheme in place. You can read more about this here

If you are in our home zone, we appreciate pre-enrolments as soon as you know you will be attending our school | kura. This helps us with our planning throughout the year.

📝 Please complete the enrolment form online. 

You can contact Rebecca in the office with any questions. She is in the office Monday - Thursday on 03 3299 854 or you can email her.

Once you have completed the online enrolment form, we will also need to see:

  • Birth certificate or Passport (if they have one)
  • Vaccination records

We look forward to meeting you and showing you around our school!

Tūī room - Year 1/2

Ruth Renwick is the kaiako | teacher welcoming our newest ākonga | learners into Tūī room. Ruth is an experienced kaiako who joined Te Kura o Ōhinetahi in 2021. She is super excited to be in the Tūī class this year, 

You can contact her by email: ruth.renwick@governorsbay.school.nz

How soon can we start?

Your child can start school | kura in New Zealand between age 5 and 6. All children must be enrolled at school by their sixth birthday.

At Te Kura o Ōhinetahi | Governors Bay School, tamariki can start school on or after their 5th birthday. Before they start, they usually come and visit the school | kura and the Tūī room at times set between the whānau and the classroom teacher.

Before your child starts here, Ruth Renwick, the new entrant teacher, will visit your child in their preschool. This helps form a bridge between preschool and primary school. 

There is some more information here on the Ministry of Education website.