Principal's Pānui
Meagan Kelly - June 5, 2023
Thank you...
Our amazing community really pulled together for the working bee here at school on Sunday 28 May. It was heartening to see so many whānau arrive at the gates with drills, shovels, water blasters, extension leads, ladders, trailers and so much more. Thank you to those who did the extra lap of a trip to Parkhouse Road (I saw both Simon J and Rachel & James while I was there ) and a high five and heartfelt thanks to the PTA for pulling us all together and keeping us on track. How cool is the aerial photo we have of us working hard!?
It's Support Staff Week!
There's a whole other article about it, but our support staff are the ones you probably don't know as well. We literally could not do our jobs without them.
Being ready for winter means...
- Wearing layers to school - polypro long sleeves and a jersey go a long way to helping keep us warm (and well!)
- Bringing a waterproof jacket to make outside play more enjoyable
- Consider a spare pair of sock in the bag for those wet shoe days
- Giving our bodies and brains time to rest with early nights and regular routines - as much as possible!
- Got the winter blues? Check out the offerings from Mana Ake by completing the survey in this Update!
(A top tip from the Canadian Paediatric Society was to Stay away from snowplows and snow blowers. Perhaps not necessary advice here in Aotearoa!?)
Upcoming fundraisers and PTA events
- The fundraiser for Fix & Fogg nut butters is now out! Please return order forms by Wednesday 21 June!
- PTA Disco @ Community Centre, Friday 23 June
Term 2 - Upcoming events and important dates
- Wednesday 14 June - BOT Hui, 6pm
- Wednesday 21 June - Canterbury Cross Country (Year 5-8 who qualify only)
- Friday 23 June - PTA Disco @ Community Centre, times TBC
- Thursday 29 June - End of Term Assembly, 2pm
- Friday 30 June - YOU-niform day
- Friday 30 June - Mid-year reports go home, last day of Term 2