Hero photograph
Orientation Day

DP Wellbeing

David Davis —

Congratulations to all our students on a highly successful 2023.

It has been an incredibly busy term, and our school took time to celebrate some of the incredible achievements, particularly in the field of attendance. GRC Hurstville Campus was identified as one of three schools within our network overachieving in the field of attendance. Our rates of attendance have increased, meaning we have more of our students here more of the time. This is down to the hard work of our students, parents/carers and staff. Every day counts, and so does every minute. Our students have demonstrated some incredible growth in learning driven by this improved attendance.

We have worked with students to make things fun. Whether it was awarding athletics challenges, playing touch football against local police officers or just giving ice blocks to students at the end of the term, we have listened to students and tried to reward them in ways they like. We have recognised our students' incredible attendance levels, and those with improved attendance.


We farewelled Year 10 with a picnic day at Stanwell Park. It was an amazing day, and a great counterpoint to the formal graduation ceremony later in the term. Congratulations Year 10 and we wish you all the best in your future endeavours.

Picnic Day
Picnic Day

As we said goodbye to our Year 10's, we welcomed our Year 7 cohort for 2024. Orientation day was a great success, with the next generation of Hurstville students getting to know their peers, teachers and their new home.

Orientation Day

This year we spent time working with our staff to support student wellbeing for every student. Our wellbeing team supported individuals and groups of students, designing activities to meet their ever changing needs. All staff received professional development on Trauma Informed Practice, learning ways of supporting our students with empathy, and adjustments to help all students make the most of each lesson. We will be continuing to work in this area next year, further refining our supports for individuals, and groups of students.

Day 1 Term 4 was the first day of implementation for the new Student Mobile Phones in schools policy. Students have had their phones off and in pouches for the entire term, and teachers and students are all reporting increased time for teaching and learning, and fewer distractions in class. We are also seeing changes in the way students spend their lunchtimes and recesses, with more students physically active, and far more social interaction between students. This policy will continue for all our students next year and we are sure we will continue to see improvements in engagement.

Next year we will be implementing the new Student Behaviour Policy. This policy represents a significant change from last year, and incorporates new Suspension and Expulsion Procedures. We have spent significant time this term working with staff to incorporate this policy update into our procedures, and have developed a communication strategy for students to make sure they understand the expectations of the new policy. If you have any questions about the policy, please first see the resources at the links provided. If you require further information, please contact the school.

We wish everyone a restful holiday, and look forward to welcoming our returning students back next year refreshed, and ready to learn.

David Davis I Deputy Principal Wellbeing