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Head Teacher, Teaching and Learning

Joanne Stanborough —

Our strategic improvement plan identifies Reading as one of our main academic priorities. To support progress towards this goal, we are currently focusing on explicit teaching of vocabulary.

Why are we starting with vocabulary?

Deslea Konza’s is an Associate Professor from Edith Cowen University. Her “Big 6” approach states that reading skills build on each other. For most of our students, they will have acquired the first three skills (school-based programs continue to support students who have not yet mastered these). Therefore, vocabulary is a logical place to start for both teachers and students.

Image by: GRCHBC

What vocabulary are we targeting?

Every teacher, in every subject, will be targeting what’s called ‘tier 2 vocabulary’.

Tier 2: These words appear more frequently in text than in oral language, so children are less likely to learn them without assistance. They add precision by providing new ways to express concepts that are already understood. (e.g., stale, awful, snuggle, twitch). These words require explicit teaching as they may not be part of student's everyday oral language.

Tier 2 words:

· usually have multiple meanings

· are essential for building formal academic language across subject areas

· are necessary for reading comprehension

· are characteristic of a mature language user, and

· are descriptive words that add detail.

Image by: GRCHBC

How are we doing this?

Every teacher is working with their colleagues in their faculty to:

- identify tier 2 words in the topics they teach

- find engaging articles for students to read, that use these words

- provide students with a core set of strategies to learn new words.

Teachers have now trialed and evaluated two lessons with year 8 students. In coming weeks, they’ll collaborate to create and embed resources in their teaching programs to sustain these practices.

What have we found so far?

Through pre- and post-tests, students have reported increased confidence using subject specific tier 2 words.

What’s next?

Teachers will continue to work in their faculties to embed these practices in every topic, so that students continue to learn and practice vocabulary strategies.

In Term 3, we’ll start to move into the other components of literacy: fluency, comprehension, and writing.

What can you do to help?

· Encourage your son to borrow a book or check out our online e-library.

· Read with your child. You can choose texts that stretch their vocabulary and work out the meaning of words together.

· The department’s website provides support for parents to support your child’s literacy at home. 

Joanne Stanborough

Head Teacher Teaching and Learning | R/Teacher-Librarian