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News from the Technological and Applied Studies (TAS) Faculty

TAS Faculty —

A very productive period in TAS subjects this term.

Year 7 Technology Mandatory - Digital Technology – Grok learning – Python

Students have been actively involved in learning to code in Python in order to develop programs for Micro Controllers such as the BBC Micro: bits using the online Grok Learning platform. This platform offers self-paced modules which enables students to be challenged and extended in an interactive environment. It is amazing how quickly the boys are learning programming and are applying their skills in real life digital solution scenarios. 

Year 8 Technology Mandatory, SR3 and SR4  - Engineered Systems – Pinball machine

Students have been actively involved in designing and constructing a mini pinball machine which engineering, science, art, technology and mathematical principals. Students incorporate levers, pivoting systems, frictional forces, propulsion systems, adjustable incline planes using a cam action which when all combined, creates a fun game for all to enjoy.

Year 9 Food Technology - Food equity

Year 9 Food Technology students have been focusing on food equity. They have deepened their knowledge and understanding on how high-quality meat, fruit and vegetables are important for society to function and how food is not equally accessed by all people locally and on a global level. They have also developed a strong understanding of the valuable and meaningful work charities and organisation’s do in Australia and on a global level to provide food for people of all ages in need. These students have been cooking meals with ingredients which could feed masses as done in real world scenarios and on a minimal budget. Their favorite meal was zucchini fritters.

Year 10 Food Technology - Food for specific needs

Year 10 Food Technology students have been focusing on food for specific needs. They have been learning about nutritional needs for people Adolescents, athletes, people with certain health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, cancer and obesity. Students have been designing and cooking meals with raw ingredients that are non-processed, reduced in fat, salt and sugars. Their favorite meal was steak with couscous.

Year 10 Information Software and Technology - Digital media 

Year 10 Information Software and Technology students have been learning Digital Media and have been creating  hi-tech short films using Adobe Premiere Pro. Students have been experimenting with camera techniques, lighting, shooting angles and digital editing features which real film makers use. Their short films are of great quality and enjoyable to watch.

Year 9 & 10 Industrial Technology - Engineering & Timber

Following the design and construction work from Term 1, students in year 9 and 10 Engineering and Timber have completed their catapult, universal caddy and their truss bridges. They are in the process of testing and evaluating them by experimenting with different weights ranging from 40 to 300kg. Students are very pleased with their designs and have demonstrated creativity, critical thinking and excellence through their high-quality products. 

TAS Department

Mrs Cazouris (Head Teacher TAS), Mr Polyzoidis Mr Peckham