Hero photograph
Photo by Emily Westacott

Junior Conservation Ranger Program

Miss Sian Utton —

As part of the Year 10 curriculum students from 10E have been out of the classroom and participating in a Junior Conservation Rangerprogram alongside Papa Taiao Earthcare.

The goal of the program is to connect with the environment (wai/water and whenua/land) by carrying out biodiversity monitoring and control practices. It allows students the opportunity to learn about their local area and species within it through active and engaging learning.

Here is some feedback from a few students:

“I had a fun time and I can't wait to do this again. I strongly recommend that everybody should do this activity, because you can learn so much from one day. I want to thank the staff that made this trip possible for the class. It was astounding!” - Charlotte

“With the world's climate changing everyday and our precious environment changing, it would be good to get the younger generation out in the West Coast's unique nature while it's still here. I feel a lot less stressed when outside.” - Alex

“Being outside instead of in a classroom can be a good breather and it's like an escape from school but we are still learning important things that benefit the students. Also since this experience is super immersive we can get hands on and touch the fish and whatever we are learning about and collecting data on. Then when we finish and get back to school we can graph this information or write about it.” - Lily

All Year 10 students will have the opportunity to participate in the Junior Conservation Ranger programme. Our next class scheduled to attend the programme is 10D.

Big thanks to Papa Taiao Earthcare for working with us and helping get our students out there!