Hero photograph

MyMahi Digital IDs

Scott Bermingham —

MyMahi have teamed up with Yoti to provide Greymouth High School student digital IDs!

Greymouth High School are the first school in New Zealand to have the opportunity for our students to have their own digital IDs. 

Yoti is a world-leading digital identity verification company founded in London, UK, with a passionate team of 250 people from around the world. They are a company focused on ethical, responsible and transformational ways to protect people’s personal data and help prove who they are online and in person. 

The free Yoti app gives you a convenient way to prove your identity or your age and is a secure digital container for your digital student ID card.

Digital contactless identity is proving to be more important everyday, so Yoti want to make it available to YOU. Students don’t carry wallets anymore, as your phones are everything!!! 

Yoti aim to make the MyMahi branded digital student ID card available to all NZ school students to establish a NZ wide recognised digital ID.

Yoti’s goal is to have the digital student ID accepted by the tertiary education institutions to make your enrollment process much easier.

See the attached flyer for more details or to see how to download the free app.