Hero photograph
Photo by Elaine Bruce

BIOLOGY212 Rocky Shore Trip.

Morag Newberry, HoD Science. —

Our BIO212 class was privileged to be able to go on a field trip on Wednesday 15th February to the Rocky Shore to collect some data for a part of an ecology assessment. This involved investigating the distribution of animals and life within a population. We travelled by bus in the morning and waited until the tide went out before we could collect our data which we would analyse back at school. For our experiment, we measured out squares, or quadrants, in the rock pools, and counted the number of sea creatures and crustaceans we could find. The beach and rock pools were full of colourful life, including seaweed, crabs, mussels, barnacles, anemones and starfish - it was interesting to explore. We had a great day out (aside from some wet shoes).

~ Dylan Holliday