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TPP Foundation Skills dual enrolment course

TPP Foundation Skills dual enrolment course

Ann Kieran —

Greymouth High School, in partnership with Tai Poutini Polytechnic have experienced stunning success with their Foundation Skills dual enrolment course this year. Nine students were selected to be dual enrolled. These students were struggling in the school environment for a variety of reasons; this resulted in a 66% overall attendance rate and a 52% class attendance. We recognised that, on the one hand, this group of targeted students needed something different than what we could offer them at school. However, on the other hand, they still needed our pastoral care support as well as access to our teachers to gain their literacy and numeracy credits to open more doors for them. A new way of working was formulated.

Students attended the Foundation Skills Course onsite at TPP 4 days a week. They received literacy and numeracy lessons from Greymouth High school teachers on the fifth day. A forward thinking, collaborative, student focussed approach had led to all students gaining success and a positive pathway for future successes. Students on this course have completed the requirements for not only L1, including numeracy and literacy, but L2 as well. This means that they can now go onto specific further study, apprenticeships or work.

Feedback from the students echo these academic results. One student said ‘ it’s so much more chill, and I get help as soon as I need it.’ Another student remarked that ‘we are learning about the real world, I have learnt all about my responsibilities when I go flatting’. Students have had so many positive experiences. They have completed units on workplace health and safety, personal presentation, budgeting, and renting, to name but a few. They have had tasters in many different areas like hospitality, carving and have even raised over $300 for different charities.

One of the most remarkable benefits has been confidence. Not only have the students been able to discuss all the benefits, they have been able to present their experiences to an audience. They have been attending classes and they are extremely positive about what they are and have been doing. The biggest change is their focus about the direction they are now able to take. Their success has given them the confidence to realise they are capable of achieving whatever or wherever their passions lead them.

We are all so proud of all of our students and thankful to the GHS and the TPP teachers.