Hero photograph
Photo by Elaine Bruce

From the Principal...

Samantha Mortimer. —

Pictured above is the Papa Taiao group from Greymouth High School at Paroa School ready to distribute a tree to each of the pupils. See the article in the newsletter.

Kia ora koutou katoa

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou

Thank you so much to Jayne Wheeler and her team for organising our practice exams in Week 8. Our teachers will be working with our ākonga to go through their exams and see what areas they are doing well on and the ones they need to work on.

NCEA Options Evening THURSDAY 22 September, 2022

We welcome students from Year 10 - Year 12 and their whānau to join us to find out more about NCEA and the course selection process.

Year 11 2023 (current Year 10):

6.00pm - 6.30pm NCEA Presentation in the hall

6.30pm - 8.00pm Course and Careers Information in the Technology block

Year 12 and 13 2023 (current Year 11 and 12):

6.00pm - 6.40pm Subject and Careers Information in the Technology block

6.45pm - 7.15pm NCEA Presentation in the hall

7.15pm - 8.00pm Course and Careers Information in the Technology block

A reminder that John De Goldi our Careers Advisor is also available on request for any students and their whānau to work with him. Please email him on degoldij@greyhigh.school.nz or phone the office and make an appointment to see him.

Primary School Transition

Thank you so much to Rowan Haigh, Kiri Russell and Miriam Rees organising our primary schools transition meetings at all of our contributing primary schools. It is such a pleasure to visit all of our primary schools and see for ourselves the great work they are all doing! We have a few visits left and if you have a child in year 8 please come and see us! We really want to make sure that all of our future students have a great experience moving from Primary to us here at High School.

Trees for Māwhera

I was so fortunate to see the first roll out of the Trees for Māwhera project at Paroa School last Friday. It was just brilliant to see our rangatahi organising this amazing project. We are so grateful that we are part of a community where we receive amazing support from our local organisations. We'd like to again thank Rotary for the financial support.


At the end of Week 10 we say goodbye to Martin McDonald who is Head of The Arts and Year 10 Dean. Marty is moving across the hill to Darfield High School. We wish Marty the very best of luck and we really appreciate his student centred approach. We will really miss him and we’re looking forward to hearing about his new role!

We have appointed Wendy Fleming as our new Head of Arts. Wendy comes to us in Week 10 of this term from Ōpōtoki College where she is currently the Curriculum Adviser for Music. Wendy is a very experienced teacher and we are looking forward to getting to know her better.

We have also recently appointed Ciaran Tangney to the Year 10 Dean position until the end of the year.

Mr McDonald will be working with them both to ensure there is a streamless hand over.

We also want to congratulate Scott Bermingham and wish him the best of luck in his role with the Ministry of Education. Scott has been there on secondment for a year and has now taken on the role permanently. We want to thank Scott for his major contribution to GHS as Deputy Principal and look forward to working with him in this role.

A message from our PTA

We are a super cruisy band of parents, our monthly meetings are usually less than 1 hour in duration, we hold a couple of raffle fundraisers each year, plus we help out at the ball. It is a great chance to meet teachers and get to know the school. If you are interested please email the office on office@greyhigh.school.nz

Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day

FInally, a reminder that on Monday 26 September we have "Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day." School will be closed for instruction. We look forward to seeing all of your children on Tuesday morning.

If you have any comments please feel free to email the office at office@greyhigh.school.nz

“Whāea te iti kahurangi - strive for success”

Ngā mihi nui

Samantha Mortimer
