Hero photograph
Supported Learning Achievement
Photo by Elaine Bruce

Supported Learning: Ability Film Festival.

Shelly Chapman, Supported Learning teacher. —

One of our students, Royden Giles has had his entry titled, Royden's World, accepted.

A documentary starring Royden Giles with snippets from the 2020 Variety concert and 2021 Black Velvet band tribute performances from students, Teachers and Teacher aides of the Greymouth High School Supported Learning Department has been accepted into the Focus on Ability Short Film Festival. This is an Australasian wide competition with over $100,000 worth of prizes. This is my first attempt at filming and editing a video so please excuse the poor sound quality in part of the film.

The Documentary covers the steps Royden has made towards setting up his Youtube Channel 'Royden's World' as part of his school programme this year. Next week from 24th - 30th August people will be able to vote for a people's choice award and we would like to encourage as many people as possible to get behind Royden's entry by voting. Please search for Royden's World on https://www.focusonability.com.au/FOA/school-entrant-documentaries.html 

The School films will be available for viewing and voting on August 24 via the Focus on Ability website www.focusonability.com.au at around 10am Sydney, Australia time (12noon NZ time) The voting will then remain open until August 30 midnight Sydney, Australia time. (2am Wednesday 31st in NZ)

Shelly Chapman

Supported Learning Specialist Teacher