Hero photograph
Photo by Elaine Bruce

From the principal: 23 June 2022, Week 8 Term 2.

Samantha Mortimer, Principal —

Kia ora koutou

Ngā mihi nui ki a koutou

We are trying hard to keep the day to day running of the school continue and wherever we can support our rangatahi to have amazing opportunities and experiences we do so.

Year 13 Psychology and History trip - Wellington

Our year 13s had an amazing opportunity to visit Wellington and delve into our history and look more closely at opportunities to study psychology. Our thanks especially go to Massey University for their hospitality.

High School Musical

I am so excited that our school production High School Musical is starting soon. They are performing in front of our primary schools on 28th and 29th June during the day and our official opening night is on Thursday 30th June at 7pm, with other performances on Friday and Saturday. We can’t wait to see you there!

Puanga / Matariki celebrations

On Friday 1st July we are holding our inaugural Puanga / Matariki celebrations. We are starting small and planning to grow it year on year. Thank you to Whaea Erin and the rest of our kaiako for all of their planning and organising.

Joining the Board

A reminder that you are interested in joining the board please see the article in our newsletter. Our next Board meeting is on Wednesday 6 July @ 6.00pm in the Library.

Kahui Ako Staff Only Day - Monday 27th June

School will be closed for instruction while we work with our colleagues from our other schools in Māwhera.


The cafe will be closed for the rest of this term. Junior students are allowed to go to Parky’s. We will get back to you when we have more information about Term 3.


Covid Health and safety measures

  • We will continue to ventilate our rooms

  • We will continue to clean or disinfect shared surfaces

  • We encourage everyone to wash their hands or use hand sanitiser

  • Please cough or sneeze into your elbow

  • Stay home if you are sick

COVID positive cases

Please continue to email the school office@greyhigh.school.nz or phone and leave a message if your children have had a positive covid test so we can monitor the number of cases.

We thank you for all of your support and understanding.

If you have any comments please feel free to email the office at office@greyhigh.school.nz

“Whāea te iti kahurangi - strive for success”

Ngā mihi nui

Samantha Mortimer
