Hero photograph
Photo by Elaine Bruce

Supported Learning Activities

Annette Jones, HoD Supported Learning. —

Last week our senior students who enrolled in the Employment and Life Skills Trades course had the chance to have a go at abseiling. There were some incredibly proud students with overcoming their fears to give this a go.

What a team. Wonderful support from the Whenua Iti team. Mā mua ka kite a muri, mā muri ka ora a mua. Those who lead give sight to those who follow, those who follow give life to those who lead. This whakatauki also speaks to the importance of working together. It acknowledges and values the importance of both the leader and the followers for both are essential and co-dependent.   

First Aid Participation

Congratulations to Jaese Franklin who participated in a First Aid Course. Jaese has a great understanding of the first aid - especially after his hours of pre course online work. He should be super super proud of himself.