Maddy Crawford — Jun 8, 2020

Staff vs Student Netball recap and photos, WCSS Badminton players needed, plus an exciting Rugby League opportunity for Year 9/10/11 boys!


Reminder: ALL GHS basketball trainings have resumed (after school hour trainings to start back NEXT WEEK), it is really important you attend trainings to get your ready for the season which starts on the 19th June for A Grade and 24th June for B/C Grade. If you cannot attend training please contact your coach or Maddy.

NEW ONLINE REGISTRATION: ALL players, coaches and managers must register yourself online via 'The Huddle' you will receive an email from SportsTG with a link to follow. This is to ensure all information is up to date for BBNZ and WCBA. 

FEES: Basketball fees for 2020 will be $40.00 per player. Please ensure this is paid to the school office or online to the school bank account (12-3169-0015308-00), please use "BBALL" and your child's name as reference. This needs to be paid by Monday 3rd August 2020.

If you are not able to pay the fees please contact me and we can make a plan moving forward. We do not want to see anyone miss out on their sport so please get in contact if needed.

Rugby League - Coast of Origin

We are set to have the annual Coast of Origin rugby league game against Haeata Community Campus on Thursday 6th August. This year the game will be played with Year 9/10/11 students only - if you are interested in playing please contact Maddy.

Trainings will be starting soon, you must attend if you wish to play!

SENIORS: Are you keen on helping coach this team? Please let Maddy know - Head Coach Tony Gurden is keen for some senior students helping out.

WCSS Badminton - Wednesday 29th July

The first WCSS on the cards in Term 3 is BADMINTON hosted in Hokitika! This is always an exciting day where you get multiple games of singles and doubles against the other local schools, plus you get to check out the NEW facility at Westland High School. 

If you are wanting to play please contact Maddy. Limited to eight people total = two teams of four. We may need to have some trials to select who will be representing the school - keep an eye on the notices for the trainings/trials!

InterHouse Sports Competition

We had a great turn out of people playing and watching last Friday that saw some fierce competition on the netball court! The Staff team took out the bragging rights during the lunchtime session with some dominating form - can you take them on their pedestal during this weeks event of FUTSAL?!

FUTSAL takes center stage in the Staff vs Students Comp, they will be fast games with the first team to score staying on the court or if no one scores within the 3 minute time limit two new team take the floor.

Reminder these events happen at interval AND lunchtime every Friday until the end of the term. EVERYONE is welcome to play - just get a group together, you only need 5 players for futsal. 

Come in and watch some of the fun, plenty of space upstairs or around the edges of the court!

Term 2 InterHouse Sports Schedule — Image by: Maddy Crawford

Maddy Crawford, Sports Coordinator