WCSS Tournaments Term 2
Sport Dept. - May 3, 2022
Please note - The below sporting events are subject to change due to a range of factors.
If you are interested in competition at any of the events please contact the Sports Coordinator to find out more information.
Thursday 5th - WCSS Squash, Greymouth
Wednesday 11th - 1st XV Rugby vs Westland HS, Greymouth TBC
Thursday 12th - WCSS Badminton, Greymouth
Tuesday 17th - Greymouth HS Cross Country, Greymouth
Wednesday 18th - 1st XV, U15 and Girls Rugby vs John Paul II, Greymouth
Tuesday 24th - WCSS Cross Country, Kumara
Wednesday 25th - 1st XV Rugby vs Darfield HS, Darfield
Wednesday 1st - 1st XV, U15, Girls Rugby vs John Paul II, Greymouth
Thursday 2nd - Canterbury Cross Country, Christchurch
Wednesday 8th - 1st XV Rugby vs Westland HS, Hokitika TBC
Thursday 16th - WCSS Swimming, Westport
Tuesday 21st - WCSS Junior Netball, Hokitika
Monday 4th - Tuesday 5th - WCSS Football (7aside), Karamea
Wednesday 6th - WCSS Senior/Junior Rugby League, Greymouth