Hero photograph
School grounds - the atrium from Careers
Photo by Andy England

From the principal: 24 June 2020

Andy England —

I'm really pleased with what I'm seeing around school.

Tēnā koutou katoa

It's the second to last week of what some people are seeing as the longest term ever (because many of us, students and staff, continued working through lockdown). Whether you worked through this time or not, the disruption of Covid has added many elements of stress and it's fair to say that the holidays are going to be very welcome.

The senior leadership team have been doing "walkthroughs" where we call into classes for short observations of the teaching from which we provide brief feedback to the teacher. The classes I've been to have been well engaged with their learning and I've been really pleased with the level of respect between students and their teachers. Many of the students were really excited about their teacher. The students themselves were mostly able to explain what they were learning and what came next. Hāpara, our online tool for organising learning, was widely used and well understood by the students. 

I'm not saying everything is perfect, but I think it's important to acknowledge that we're in a pretty good place as a school with a positive school culture that would be the envy of many other schools. It's all of our jobs to keep it like that through things like positive school talk at home, 'getting' the school's ARCH values and making them real, and being open with each other when we do face problems. 

Noho ora mai

Mr Andy England
