Andy England — May 21, 2020

It was an exciting week for staff and students as most of us got to see each other again. We eased ourselves in but we need to pick up the pace next week.

Kia ora koutou katoa

It was so good to see everyone again this week, or almost everyone as we do have some important students with increased vulnerability who continue to learn at home. 

The atmosphere was kind, respectful and caring. We asked students to change behaviours - wash hands all the time, respect physical spacing, stay on the school site - and I was really impressed with how respectfully students handled that.

It helped that we have a great new cafe, MUMMHG's Kai. MummhG, or Gayleen, is making fresh food daily and selling it for a very reasonable price. MummhG is happy to cater for people with food allergies or take requests - just let her know.

In calling around during lockdown we've become aware of some major financial hardship in our community, including parents unable to provide enough food for their family at times. While we as a school can't fix that problem, please be aware that if you're struggling and let us know (talk to your child's mentor teacher) then we treat that information sensitively and there are things we can do to help.

We've gone easy on things like uniform this week to help people settle in, but we need to keep standards up and will be back to our full requirements from next week. Where families have genuine hardship, letting us know means we can help. It's only if we don't talk that things become a problem.

Boxing bags have been installed in the gym and can be used, under supervision, by students at break times. My thanks to Mr Bermingham and Mr Hague for getting this going. 

Our Health and PE Dept has seen some changes this week: Mr Thomas Henderson started in person (he's been teaching from home all this term) and Mrs Rosa Cooper begins her parental leave - I wish Rosa the best for this great adventure. 

Noho ora mai

Mr Andy England
