School Calendar.
Elaine Bruce - October 30, 2022
SENIOR Prizegiving: Tuesday 6th December, 7.00pm in Coxon Hall.
LEAVERS DINNER: Thursday 8th December @ Shantytown. Information will be sent out this week.
JUNIOR Prizegiving (Years 9 & 10): Thursday 8th December 12.00 -1.30pm, Coxon Hall.
Year 8 Orientation Morning: Monday 12 December.
NZQA External Exams: from Monday 7 November until Friday 2 December.
Tāite (Thursday) 3 Noema (November)
- Last day of Trades - Year 2 students.
- LAST DAY Years 11 & 12.
Paraire (Friday) 4 Noema
- Last day of Trades - Year 1 students.
- LAST DAY for Year 13.
- WCTA Prizegiving Night @ Shantytown, 5.30-7.30pm.
Mane (Monday) 7 Noema
- WCTA Employment & Life Skills Course (overnight): 7-9 Noema.
- Year 8 Transition Meetings, Technology Block, 4.00 - 8.00pm. Please call the GHS office to make an appointment.
Tūrei (Tuesday) 8 Noema
- Year 8 Transition Meetings, Technology Block, 4.00-8.00pm. Please call the GHS office to make an appointment.
Wenerei (Wednesday) 9 Noema
- WCSS Junior Touch.
- Year 8 Transition Meetings, Technology Block, 4.00-8.00pm. Please call the GHS office to make an appointment.
- GHS PTA meeting, 7.00-8.30pm, in the staffroom. ALL welcome.
Tāite (Thursday) 10 Noema
- Level 3 & NZ Scholarship Visual Arts.
Mane & Tūrei(Monday & Tuesday) 14 & 15 Noema
- Barista Course Years 11 & 12.
Tāite (Thursday) 17 Noema
- WCSS Junior Volleyball.